miércoles, octubre 01, 2008

The Synchronicity of it all...

I awoke yesterday morning to a call from the universe. That day I received and saw again what synchronicities were, seemingly connected coincidences that give meaning to a person's life. I had written a story published in Wake Up Live The Life You Love ...entitled Driving with Synchronicity but...yesterday, they had returned with some added power.

I don't know if it was the coffee I had drank that afternoon or simply an invisible hand that was guiding my pen as I wrote my plan...That night and into the early hours of this morning, everything just seem to fall into place and I knew what I wanted to do...

lunes, septiembre 29, 2008

The Bailout Reader

The events taking place in the financial market offer an illustration of the soundness of the Austrian theory of money, banking, and credit cycles, and Mises.org is your source not only for analysis of these events but also the economic theory that helps explain what is happening and what to do about it. There are many thousands of articles available, and also the full text of thousands of books as well as journal articles. It is impossible to draw attention to the full range of literature one can use to understand the crisis.

The Rescue Package Will Delay Recovery

It is true that the financial system must be rescued; it must be rescued from the institutions holding bad debt that are currently draining capital while waiting for a bailout and adding little in return. It is they that are preventing wealth-generating activities in the financial sector and the other parts of the economy. They must not be rescued, lest the debt overhang continue and delay recovery. - www.mises.org
I think it's time to post an economics blog, but on what? Hmm....


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