Dear Readers,
In this time of struggle and hardship, there is much chaos and fighting all over the world. For this reason, yet this is not the only one, we must fight an enemy so deep and so dark, that only the Light can scare this darkness away. We must find The Light in the Darkest of corners for true healing to occur. There is great suffering, and with this pain, requires a new breed of teacher, a legendary teacher, who will lead the way for those who seek enlightenment and true power, to form a visible and invisible army of light warriors, truly legendary teachers in their own right. Power is not what you have been led to believe. In the battle of good vs evil, Power will always triumph over Force...every time...
For those who have ears, let them hear,
For those who have eyes, let them see,
For those who have feet, let them walk...and so on and so on.
This post hereby initiates our struggle...Join me...I am recruiting legendary teachers to fight this battle. If we all take one step toward The Truth, The Truth will take one hundred, one hundred thousand steps toward YOU. We will win. It is OUR time...It is only a matter of time.
Yours truly
Nizamuddin Ameerally